Finding Silver Linings

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It's a weird time. Things are changing for nearly everyone whether you've had to begin working from home, shift your tour plans, build a home studio, make plans for a job hunt, or take your side hustle full time.

In the last blog post, I shared how I took the time to make a very difficult decision around my career. And the truth is, while making that decision was freeing in some ways, it does still feel like there's a cloud hanging over my head.

  • How am I going to make a living by the end of the year?

  • Am I capable of taking this business full-time and living off it?

  • What if I run out of savings before this thing is up and running?

I started to panic, I let imposter syndrome seep in, and I reconsidered if I made the right choice.

In the midst of the rising panic, I opened Spotify and turned on Kacey Musgraves. See, I had just purchased a pair of professional grade headphones on a sweet deal to start building my podcasting tech (more on that soon!) and wanted to test them. I set it to shuffle and Kacey's song Silver Linings came on.

And the skies (metaphorically) opened up.

This was my silver lining moment. Sure, it's still cloudy. There's still work to do and dirt to get on my hands to find that four leaf clover. But there's a silver lining in the circumstances presented to me.

And now here I am, spending my nights and weekends following it, pivoting and building upon what I've already created to turn it into the opportunity of a lifetime.

So if you're standing under that cloud with me, just know that somewhere amongst that rainstorm there's a silver lining and a rainbow waiting to appear.

If you're ever gonna find a silver lining, it's gotta be a cloudy day - Kacey Musgraves